• By signing this agreement, we hereby make application for exhibit space at the 2025 AMA Expo.
• Booth selection is on first come, first serve
• Each Booth will include (at no additional cost) the
✔ 8’ tall backwall drape
✔ 3’ tall siderail drape
✔ One 6’ draped table
✔ Two chairs
✔ One wastebasket
✔ One company ID sign
• Any additional furnishings other than what is listed will be a vendor expense (Electric, tables, chairs, car5pet and drapes). A website for you to place your orders will be provided.
Make check payable to and mail to:
Alabama Merchants' Association
3 River chase Office Plaza,
Suite 208 Birmingham, AL 35244
AMA Office (205) 739-0565 or
email admin@alabamamerchants.com